AsianWeek reports on a disturbing case of 'yellow fever' aka 'Asian fetish' at the prestigious Princeton University that became so extreme it was psychotic.
Michael Lohman (a top computational maths student) was arrested for secretly cutting and hoarding hair from young Asian women, as well as other sex-related acts all involving female Asian students. Warning: The article contains details some may find repugnant or offensive.
Source: AsianWeek.
And you know what's even worse?: Lohman has been married for four years and his wife is - you guessed it - Asian.
So either he was very clever at hiding his perversion (well, until he got arrested, anyway) or his wife was a little on the naive side. *sigh*
Whilst the case is certainly unusual, AsianWeek quotes a number of Asian females who give the impression that sexual harassment of Asian students is not rare at all:
Yin Ling Leung, organizational director of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF), said this was more than an isolated incident by a psychologically unstable man. “It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last,” Leung said. “Sexual assault of Asian women on college campuses is a major issue. You get a room of five Asian American women together, and they all have stories about sexual harassment.”
“It’s happened on an epidemic proportion,” [Author Helen Zia, who graduated in Princeton’s first class of women] added. “It’s this image of Asian American women being exotic and passive and won’t fight back and speak up. Predators think they have free rein with Asian American women.”
Part of the problem is a widespread belief that men who have a fetish for Asian women are harmless.
“Asian fetish is seen as a tongue-in-cheek thing, like ‘We just happen to like Asian women,’” Leung said. “It’s not as innocent as it looks.”
Well, it certainly wasn't in the case of Michael Lohman.
Related: Originally spotted on Ningin.com.
1 comment:
Asian women are so hypereffeminate looking unfortunately they are able to attract so many guys and unfortunately they sometimes attract bad apples like this guy, Michael Lohman. Don't blame beautiful sexy Asian women for this pervert.
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