To be fair you will also find many great restaurants, community centres and lots of Chinese-run businesses and services. I just find it a little sad that this is what occupies such a prominent position in Chinatown (and the fact it wouldn't be there if there wasn't a demand for it).
Gambling is ingrained into Chinese culture. It is a sad fact that a large betting shop opened in London Chinatown. Chinatown is a reflection of Chinese people, but not always at their finest. If they truly cared about history and culture, there would be a centre for just that. Many Chinese people love gambling. You walk pass any betting shop and the chances are, you'll see somebody of Chinese extraction going in and out. It is a sad fact that we have to accept.
I agree, despite the association of gambling with Chinese culture to have such a big establishment before the Chinatown arch is rather unfortunate.
However, I have seen stranger sights- through the gates of Newcastle Chinatown there is an Irish pub!
Before Betfair popped up, that building housed a posh bar/pizza place. and before that, it was just derelict. So at least it's being used!
As almostwitty said, it was previously derelict, but as far as I'm aware, some one also died there, the main reason why it remained unoccupied for so long. As such, the fact that anyone is even daring enough to take it up is good enough considering the traditions and superstitions of Chinese culture.
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